Opt in to Democracy


As a business advisor, I am an advocate for running a business in a more democratic manner. In short, this means leadership uses the voice of the worker as a respected source for business intelligence and includes people in building business and sharing the risks and rewards of growth. In the businesses I’ve run and work with now, people are clamoring to be a part of a workplace democracy. The rights and responsibilities are embraced and seen as an entrepreneurial asset. When people are given the ability to have an impact vs. simply doing what they are told – they get excited and are highly committed.

Now, let’s contrast this with our national (representative) and local democracy. It’s tough to get people involved. No time, my voice doesn’t count, I didn’t know about it – you know the reasons. Electoral voting structure debates aside, it is estimated that just over 40% of eligible voters didn’t participate in our national democracy in our last national election. I get the argument that my vote doesn’t matter because of the electoral votes – but that applies to the presidency. What about Congress, what about Governors, what about local tax issues?

In my small sample – I know people still care about democracy. We’d love more in our work. Why not love more in our life? My worry about the news and political fighting is that we’ll develop a national cynicism that will encourage people out of the process. After all, who can blame anyone who wants to stay out of the current political craze! But, we must opt back in to democracy. We do want it. It is us who will make it powerful and meaningful together. But, don’t listen to me. Listen to our future. I’m including a letter from a very bright young lady, not of voting age yet, who attended a political meet and greet at my house. I am a fierce advocate for employee ownership as a method to build wealth, create more productive communities, and close the wealth gap. She is a fierce advocate for democracy and our collective future.

Take a minute – read Sloan’s words. Digest them and then get involved in your community.

Americas Gift to My Generation